Halloween on Milton Road

Happy Halloween! It's been a pretty quiet one here on Milton Road.  I think it's because we live at the end of a deadend street.  This year all the kids on the street came down and it was fun to see all of their costumes. It's also been a bit of a bittersweet Halloween. For the first time Emma didn't want us to go trick-or-treating with her.  She and her friend next door (who's 11 and in 6th grade) went together up and down our street by themselves, and now they are off trick-or-treating together with her Dad and step-brother in their neighborhood so Mom, Jim and I are home watching the Georgia Florida Football Game.  It's a right of passage I guess -- the slow separation from us in bits and pieces. At least she still wanted to carve a pumpkin with me this morning.  We each did part of it the carving, but the design is Emma's.

Here are the trick-or-treaters.  Diana dressed up as Lily, Hannah Montana's best friend in the TV show, and Emma is Hermione from Harry Potter.  That's my cape which is suppossed to be the academic robes they wear. She also made her hair wavy like Hermione's.  I think she looks a bit like a Scotish warrior woman. She's wearing her kilt underneath too.

Finally, here's Chloe dressed for Halloween.  She is sporting a lovely scarf, given to her by her Grandma Brenda. Thank you!  She couldn't really have much fun because she was spayed on Thursday and is still resting up and not allowed to walk, run or rough house.

Hope you all had a great Halloween and next year I am going to find some little kids to go trick-or-treating with!  I miss those little ones in costumes with big smiles on their faces.  I can see that the Tween years are going to be a different challenge -- still fun in many ways -- just different.
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