
Mom visited us for the whole Thanksgiving weekend. One of the things we did was go Christmas shopping in Newport on lower Thames street. We met Jim at mid-afternoon and then we all had an early dinner at a yummy seafood restautant called Scales and Shells. This photo is of Emma sitting across the table from me sporting her new hairband and still wearing her scarf. It was very cold that day!

My sister and her family spent the first few days of Thanksgiving weekend with our friends Karen and Mark in Hampton, Conn. only an hour from Barrington. We drove there and joined them for Thanksgiving day. On Saturday morning they all loaded themselved in their car and drove to our house to spend about 24 hours. It was a whirlwind visit, but they got to see our new house and town and we got to spend time together. Kate and I snuck in a sisters out lunch and at least an hour was spent before lunch watching Amelia and Nikolas pushing their toys up and down our deadend street while Emma and her friend Kayla rode bikes or helped. Our street is such a great place to play. As you can see in this photo -- Amelia found one of Emma's dolls and didn't put it down the whole time she was here.

Here's Nick pushing around his dump truck.

Lastly -- here are Emma and Kayla on their bike and scooter.
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