Chloe, ready for her walk! |
I didn't set out this morning to focus on my one little word for 2011: intentional, however, it turns out that my choice to go ahead and take my walk in the morning rather than putting it off was intentional, also my decision to listen to a podcast while I walked was intentional -- I usually don't listen to anything as I like the sound of the world around me and the quiet of my thoughts -- but today I felt like a long walk and wanted to listen to something. So I chose one of the
Being by Krista Tippitts podcasts I have on my iPod. Well, the first one I started to listen to just wasn't working out -- the guy being interviewed was annoying me after less than two minutes, so I intentionally decided to abandon it and choose a different one. I am so glad I did, because the one I listened to both entertained and spoke to me this morning.
It was Words That Shimmer from January 6, 2011. Krista was talking with Elizabeth Alexander a poet and professor about poetry. She read the most wonderful poem which I decided I had to share with everyone.
| We are things of dry hours and the involuntary plan,
Grayed in, and gray. "Dream" mate, a giddy sound, not strong
Like "rent", "feeding a wife", "satisfying a man".
But could a dream sent up through onion fumes
Its white and violet, fight with fried potatoes
And yesterday's garbage ripening in the hall,
Flutter, or sing an aria down these rooms,
Even if we were willing to let it in,
Had time to warm it, keep it very clean,
Anticipate a message, let it begin?
We wonder. But not well! not for a minute!
Since Number Five is out of the bathroom now,
We think of lukewarm water, hope to get in it.
This poem reminded me to let the "dreams" the wonderful intangible moments of life, the spiritual, the beautiful -- find it's way into my life alongside the more loud demands of everyday living: cooking, food shopping, paying bills etc... I also like how it is so concise and powerful in it's brevity.
So, enough about the poem. My only other thought his morning is how very lucky I am to live in such a beautiful place on this earth, where I can take a 3 mile walk down a wooded bike path, around a lake, down a wooded road, past a golf course and through a lovely neighborhood of homes -- all within walking distance of my little house -- and within easy commuting distance from Providence. I wish I had tried the South Lake route long before now -- it's just so quiet and lovely. I'm afraid I tired Chloe out though. She had a few "sit down" strikes along the way. I'm sort of glad she did as it forced me to stop a couple of times, sit on a rock, and just contemplate. Well, now back to those everyday things -- cleaning the bathroom and tidying the guest room for my Mom's arrival later today!