New Digital Scrapbook Pages and Holmes house happenings

I just created this last night. The great thing about digital scrapbooking on a laptop is that I can scrapbook while lying in bed with a sick child hugging me. That's what I was doing last night. I finished the second half of the Easter layout I did called "Hunt Eggs". It was pretty easy because I had already decided on colors and which template to use when I did the earlier layout. I just had to choose the photos I wanted. Thanks for the influence of Ali Edwards and other "life artists" I decided to include the photo of Emma trying to kiss Nicky which I thought wasn't the greatest photo, but I liked the story it told. The journaling on the layout is:
"Easter was full of other little blessings besides the egg hunt. Clockwise from top left: Amelia fascinated by church, Emma trying to give Nicky a big kiss, Baskets from the Easter bunny waiting to be discovered, Easter presents from Nana, Amelia letting Emma hug her, the table all beautifully set and ready for the delicious lunch cooked by Mom. Yes, the twins got tired & whiney, and the day wasn’t perfect, but it was blessed."
I used the following supplies:
Template 4 pack no. 1 pg 2 from Ali Edwards from Designer Digitals
Spring Hand Draw Words from Ali Ewards from Designer DigitalsCK Ali's hand official font for journaling(from Ali Edwards -- I can't remember where I bought it)
Paper from Kate Pertiet Carefree Seasons Mega pack from Designer Digitals
Since Emma is home sick today I actually have some time to post to the blog and do some other at home things -- as long as they can be done with her sitting next to me and touching me I'm golden. Whenever she is sick it's hard for her and a bit hard for me -- but it reminds me of when she was a much littler girl and was always next to me cuddling me. Now days when she feels well she is almost always going at full speed ahead and doesn't have nearly as much time for cuddling and hanging out with me. Age nine is a complicated age -- at least these days -- maybe when I was nine too -- Mom might remember better. At nine you are still little girl, but also finding your way as an individual -- part of a long long journey -- in fact I think I am still on that journey -- life is probably that journey.

In order to learn how to use Photoshop Elements more effectively for digital scrapbooking I have been taking a self paced course which I highly recommend. It's by Jessica Sprague and it's her introductory course called Up and Running with Photoshop and you can find out more about it at Jessica The layout above was one of the exercises for week 2 of her class and uses the digital scrapbooking supplies that you get free with the course tuition! The journaling reads:
* Enjoys the water
* Takes YaYa everywhere
* Prefers to wear dresses
* Loves the color pink
* Has a terrific smile
* Talks and talks and talks
I have really been enjoying and learning a lot from this course. It's a great way to do just what the title says -- get Up and Running with Photoshop. Below are two other layouts made in this class. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

"Nicky had a great time sliding at Byrd Park in Snow Hill. He went down over and over again all by himself. I was able to get this great shot and several others to remember the day by. We would have stayed longer but it started to rain so we headed back to Papas with Emma, Mia, and Hannah who came to the park with us."

"My nephew and godson Nikolas
is more cautious than his sister Amelia
He is also more sensitive to noise and temperature
He never made it past the steps into Papa's pool
the water was just too chilly
it was early May after all."
Well it's time for me to sign off now and make lunch and get ready for the AALL Webinar I am attending from home from 12-1 on Law Libraries and Social Networking.